Tuesday, August 21, 2007

7:12AM, marlboros while barefoot in the driveway

Why does your mouth taste so much better after kissing someone who's just smoked a cigarette than when you've just smoked a cigarette?

Mysteries of the universe.

Monday, August 20, 2007

demand.screaming absences

I want someone to hold my hand, look me in the eye, and acknowledge that all my demons are real.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I want someone to kiss me because they love me.

It's been a while.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Smilin' In the Pictures You Would Take

The summer of 2007 is over.

The Summer Haus is over.

So is my life.


Monday, August 06, 2007

more like wishing

I feel like...if I don't do anything....don't make any plans, don't find a place, don't apply for school....that as the summer ends, I'll just dissolve....disintegrate......smudge, run, and disappear like a wet painting in the rain.

Then I won't have to do anything.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Lack of independence.

Not that I would be able to handle that anyway. Hello, I have spent nineteen complete years alive and I still do not know how to take care of myself, even on the most basic levels.

A sharp yank jerks me backwards and I remember that there is still a collar around my neck, hooked to a leash leading back to hands I'd rather forget.

I'm not going back to San Francisco.

Cue tears, pacing, swearing, outright sobbing, shouting, and plunging into a deeper state of depression.

I'm wrapped in a sheer gauze of misery and I've never missed bum cum and sirens so much.

Oh, and my birthday's in two weeks.

I may as well just die and get it over with.