Friday, April 20, 2007

arms behind back can I tie them there (whatever rearrange me rearrange me rearrange me)

I couldn't believe that it's April 19th already, and that tomorrow is 4/20 and then you know what comes after that.

I'd like to stay stoned for the next two weeks, please.


...I'm just not good at handling pain.

That's not true either.

He used to ask me how I did it. How did I refrain from drugs and alcohol when I was so upset? I told him I did other things instead. I don't remember if I mentioned that a lot of times that included bleeding myself.

Blood, drugs, alcohol or tears, sugar or fucking or fake laughter, none of it helps.

I'm just tired of having to handle pain and I wonder (doubt) if rearranging me would help.


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