Thursday, March 22, 2007

Movie Review!: The Shining

Okay, is it just me, or has everyone else heard many different kinds of people rave about how fucking creepy The Shining is, and what a fantastic movie it is?

Uhh, yeah. NOT.

My neighbors and I watched it tonight....oh my god, one of the most "B," low-budget, 70s examples of sucky filmmaking ever! It was boring, the script was lacking and cheesy (if I have to hear "redrum" one more time...), the screenplay needed some serious help (it flat-out didn't even make sense in some places--a man who was not previously introduced to the plot being given a blowjob by a person in a bear suit who had also never been introduced...shown for about three seconds?), the acting was bad (Jack Nicholson moaning and stumbling around the labirynth, anyone?).....phew. I couldn't wait for it to end, and we spent at least the last 20 minutes just ripping on it harcore. It was awful. And it wasn't scary at all!!! I kept expecting it to pick up, get creepy, climax, something! Nope. The only freaky thing was when that hot babe from the shower turned into a moldy old woman (moldy? old? why? no one knows) with a hooked nose and no teeth, and started chasing him around, but that was just...icky. And think, you just had your mouth on that? ::shiver::

Who would've guessed? I mean, Jack Nicholson, it's quite famous, and horror movie buffs rant about how it's the only movie that's ever really scared them... I expected quite a lot more. It sucked.

So if you haven't seen it, I'd recommend keeping things the way they are. You're really not missing out on a good time at all.


Blogger Chris said...

I actually fell asleep during that movie, and woke up periodically to parts that made even -less- sense to me.

March 24, 2007 5:31 PM  

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