Monday, July 28, 2008

I Am Mother Superior

And a self-loathing apple! Someone, please, slit my wrist! What else can one do but laugh at oneself? Hm! Also, perhaps now is the time to stop spilling my sorry, wretched guts all over the internet? Actually, I'm pretty sure that point happened at least four years ago, sooooo why stop now? I mean, I could make a declaration, and then maybe even put forth some effort, but I think I've come to terms by now with the fact that I compulsively scream in type from time to time, so.... why bother? I have bigger fish to fry for now.

Fish with calcium deposits and European travel guides? ::rolls eyes::


I would like to say that I know I am a sad, pathetic fuck. I am aware of this. I firmly believe, though, that it is just because there is really not a lot going on in my life right now, so I do a lot of trawling over old memories. It's a character flaw. Whenever day-to-day social dramaturgy gets slow, I mentally return to my pet miseries. Don't worry, I won't go on like this forever. Someday I'll have my therapy breakthrough, and then nothing will bother me anymore!

But until that sail-into-the-sunset moment, I am mostly okay with where I am right now. I'm muddling through. I'm trying to improve. So what else can I do? Accept the state of the present. And that's work in itself.


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