Sunday, December 31, 2006

Obligatory End of the Year Post

So I thought about making this really long, eloquent and insightful, wise-sounding post about the joys, trials and tribulations of the past year..... but I didn't really want to do that, or be one of those people.

Then I thought about just saying, "2006 sucked, but not completely. Here's to a better 2007." Which is true, but didn't really seem to do justice to the eventfulness of this year. Plus, it makes me sound ungrateful for all the really, truly good things that also happened.

So I guess I will just say that this year has been the most crucial, fateful, important, full, notable, momentous, consequential, memorable year of my life thus far.

Would it be bad of me to request that Life keep the good things around while going a little bit easier on me with the bad stuff? Just no more tragedy. Just no more tragedy.


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