Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm alive...

...but have been too depressed to post lately.

Yes, I no longer live with my parents, and rarely even speak to them anymore.
Yes, I no longer live in Country Central, USA.
Yes, I live in San Francisco.
Yes, I am majoring in film at an art university.
Yes, I have more direction in my life now that I have in months, and it's doing what -I- want to be doing.
I have never been quite so lost, or so miserable.

Okay. Enough of being whiny. I'm actually feeling a lot better now than I was earlier today. Event-wise, today has not been a good day by anyone's definition. Waking up late was a double-whammy: I didn't get in my morning trailer-editing session and I missed class. ::sigh:: 1800 dollars to stuff my pillow. Then I had MUCH trouble during my night trailer-editing session: problems with both my tapes as well as the machine I was using....2 hours of swearing resulted in only one edit being made. And I'm not even going to be able to finish the trailer. Which is due tomorrow. At noon. IF THEY KNOW THAT THEIR COPY OF ALMOST FAMOUS HAS TIMECODE PROBLEMS, WHY DON'T THEY DITCH IT AND GET A NEW ONE?!?! I'm tellin' ya, this school has issues. Anyway, it's 4:30AM and I'm on page 8 of 12 pages of log. Do you know what log is? It's writing down EVERY SHOT of a film, describing it, describing the camera movements made in it, and marking down the timecode. Yessiree. It teh sucks. I've been doing it for 2 1/2 hours and I'm only 17 minutes into the movie. Uck.

Um, this post is disoriented. That's 'cause I'm sleepy.

Anyway, yeah, basically to say today was terrible but I'm feeling a bit better now (within the forever level of suckage) and if you love me you should leave me nice voicemails 'cause that would make me smile. Don't knock the check-in post.

Back to logging...


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