Wednesday, July 20, 2011

i would be a mad hatter except i'm not too fond of hats


Meds adjusted upwards. Hopefully I'll feel better soon.

As it is, I can hardly stand being around Atlas. The thought of spending the rest of my life with him sounds like true and utter punishment. He is terrificly annoying, has no sex drive, and acts like a goon.

I know you aren't supposed to run your life based on feelings, but you can't completely ignore them, right? They have to mean SOMETHING, right? Complicating the matter, I'm not sure that any of my current feelings are even REAL.

Not being able to trust your own mind because you're half-mad sucks and it makes me nervous and panicky.

And now I've stayed up too late and have no time to take a nap before class.

(I'm half-afraid I'll tell Atlas the unflattering statements above. Those are things you can't take back. Ever. The other half is afraid I won't say anything at all.

What do I deserve? What will I get?


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