Sunday, March 02, 2008

Look at me, I'm all Links Magee tonight!

Oh my god! I've been tagged for a meme! By the mysterious, erudite Niobe, no less. Does this mean I've finally been inducted into the blog-o-sphere? I feel like a school girl (possibly one with braids, thick black-framed glasses and a pocket protector. can girls wear pocket protectors?). I'm giddy!

Anyway, on with the show.

The idea is to grab the closet book to wear you're sitting (no cheating. closest.), turn to page 132, find the fifth sentence on the page and then post the next three sentences. If you think this seems like sort of an odd thing to spread around the internet, I've already beat you to it. I'm going to go ahead and guess that the originator of this meme just wanted to show off to all their readers how utterly sophisticated* their reading material was, while simultaneously outing all their fellow bloggers that they suspected of being fond of Red Dress Ink. Or something like that.

As for me, I lucked out on the groovy scale. The closest thing to me is John, by Cynthia Lennon. Less groovy was this action-packed tidbit I found:

He said, "You do what you want to do, Cyn. It's fine by me." It was a relief that he could be so relaxed about it because I knew he wouldn't relish being under my mum's roof.

So there you have it. I'd tag some others, but let's face it, no one reads this blog anymore. Well, there may be the occasional pop-in from Chris, who posts more often than I do. In which case, ::waves:: Hello, Chris! Do this meme! I should probably read his blog more often. That way I might actually know some of what's going on in the chap's life. Hmm...

*Since I've started reading BSC Headquarters, I've become overly conscious about using this word. There is a time and a place, though! However, that place is probably NOT in the description of Claudia's rockin' over-sized shirt collection.


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