Monday, June 23, 2008

He Does Not Need a Name

Because he didn't stick around long enough to catch one.

He is nothing like the other boy. I suppose he could be. He and I were the freeze-dried version of the first boy and I, a relationship mini-me compacted into so little time it'd make your head spin.

And spin it does, as I take William's advice to get out of the city, landing in my best friend's apartment several hundreds of miles away, and pulling disappearing acts with large amounts of rum and beer, squeezing the life out of Ian and thanking everyone for being good friends to me. I figure I will get over this soon. There can only be a handful more days ahead where I wander into the bathroom when I'm supposed to be looking for brown sugar, or stare at my bagel and coffee on the counter so long that Crystal's half-way finished with hers in the living room before I even notice what I'm doing.

So a girl got fucked over by a boy. Very old, boring story. I just hate that I keep giving people any amount of power over me, and essentially continually bring all of this down on my own head.

No. No. It's not all my fault. I know it sounds childish, but people honestly need to stop being so mean to each other. People need to have more respect for the other people in their life. People [you] need to stop being so selfish.

And I'm sorry.


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